- Language Exchange/EMAoL final grades move to the student's home institution transcript as transfer credit.
- The registrar at the student's home institution will transfer the grade to the student's record in Banner or PeopleSoft following their policies.
- The final grade at the host institution is automatically conveyed to the registrar at the home institution (faculty members are not required to complete extra steps for EMAoL Exchange/Language Exchange grades).
- Each night a feed runs between Banner/PeopleSoft and the EMAoL Exchange/Language Exchange to ensure that rosters are accurate and to import final grades.
- If a student receives an Incomplete, and a grade is entered at a later date, the EMAoL Exchange/Language Exchange will detect the change and notify the home institution.
- Each institution appoints an EMAoL Exchange/Language Exchange admin for their institution.
- Admins log into the EMAoL Exchange/Language Exchange to view and reconcile final grades via their Admin Menu.